Alimentación del bebé

(1) Comité de Nutrición de la ESPGHAN. Alimentación complementaria: Un comentario del Comité de Nutrición de la ESPGHAN. Revista de Gastroenterología y Nutrición Pediátrica 2008, [Consultado 25-07-2018] Disponible en: 46:99-110

(2) Prell C, Koletzko B: Lactancia materna y alimentación complementaria-recomendaciones sobre nutrición infantil. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2016; 113: 435-44. [Consultado 25-07-2018] Disponible en:

(4) Organización Mundial de la Salud. La duración óptima de la lactancia materna exclusiva: reportería de una consulta de expertos. [Consultado 25-07-2018] Disponible en: optimal_duration_of_exc_bfeeding_report_ eng.pdf.

(5) PEN: evidencia basada en la práctica en nutrición.Nutrición infantil – Lactancia materna [Internet]. 2017 [Consultado 26 de julio de 2018]. Disponible en:

Mama kocht breifrei

BLW feeding proposes to let them decide themselves what they want to eat, when they want to eat it and to put it in their mouths using their own hands. Thus, in the Baby Led Weaning method, it is the baby who regulates himself according to his needs and his feeling of satiety, just as he has previously done with breastfeeding on demand (not breast milk or formula).

After a lot of reading, we decided that BLW had many more advantages than traditional formula feeding and, in addition, this method was more in line with our parenting philosophy.

After all this list of advantages at home, it was clear to us that our daughter was going to be fed following the BLW method. Even so, the road has not always been easy. Dealing with grandparents and outdated pediatricians was no easy task. We had our own doubts, the first of all, how to start with BLW, a little support at that time would have been great.

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Today we are clear on how to take each step, it is not as difficult as it seems. The blog has ended up focusing on the recipes we make at home, first more adapted, then more and more “normal” according to the needs and development of our daughter. But with the same illusion of the beginning and the same desire to help you if you are thinking of embarking on this adventure called BLW.

Blw start

An interactive book to solve all your doubts about baby-led weaning.- �You would like to start introducing solid foods in your baby’s diet, but you don’t know how?- �You have heard about baby-led weaning, but you didn’t know how? You have heard about baby-led weaning, but you are not sure what it is? Or you are already immersed in the process and you have doubts about it?

An interactive book to solve all your doubts about baby-led weaning.- You would like to start introducing solid foods in your baby’s diet, but you don’t know how to do it?- You have heard about baby-led weaning, but you are not sure what it is? Or are you already immersed in the process and you have doubts?- Are you good at it, but you want to know how to organize yourselves better?This interactive book is designed for all of you who are at any stage of the process of offering solid or liquid foods to your baby between 6 and 12 months of age, as a complement to milk. You can read it in order or go directly to the section you are interested in, advance month by month or look for the solution to the problem you have just today.we want to go hand in hand with you, month by month, offering you support, solving your doubts, moving forward and backward according to your needs. Because complementary feeding is not a hill to climb, but rather a roller coaster, full of ups and downs; understanding why things happen and finding the right answer will give you confidence and motivation. In addition, we are going to offer you a lot of useful resources and, of course, 30 recipes so that you will not lack ideas. A diet 100% solutions, 0% dramas.

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Baby led weaning como empezar 2021

Eggs are an excellent food for our babies, since they contain protein and healthy fats, so by including them in a recipe we are providing many nutrients. If you want to vary a little the presentations of this food for your baby, here we have a very simple recipe,…

Muffins and cupcakes are desserts that we all love for their soft texture and delicious taste. Our babies can also enjoy them if we prepare healthy versions. This BLW recipe for carrot muffins with cambur will delight your baby because he/she will feel an explosion of flavor and…

If you are looking to prepare foods that will soothe your baby’s gum discomfort, you have come to the right recipe. Babies’ gums become inflamed when they are in the teething process, and this bothers our babies a lot. For this reason, the recommendation is to give them foods…

When starting complementary feeding with the BLW method, one of our biggest fears is that we do not know how to present the food in a safe way. It is normal to feel fear when starting to feed solids, as we do not want the baby to choke or an accident to occur.

Por Aroa Flores

Hola a todos, soy Aroa Flores y en mi blog personal te ofrezco diversas noticias de actualidad.