Blue dollar today

You must be registered in Dollar House with your identity card, have an account in dollars and soles in a bank. This is because we only accept bank transfers, we do not accept cash or checks.

Also, DOLLAR HOUSE is authorized to operate as a foreign exchange company through Resolution No. 01649-2019-SBS of the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP (hereinafter SBS) and has a compliance officer duly registered with this entity.

The term “CLIENT” refers to any user who registers through any of THE APPLICATIONS. DOLLAR HOUSE only offers the service to CLIENTS who have a bank account in a financial institution supervised by the SBS and with which they can transfer and receive the money resulting from the currency exchange service.

However, THE CUSTOMER should consider that there are charges of commissions or financial transaction tax (ITF) made by the financial entities. Additionally, in the event that THE CLIENT uses bank accounts in places other than Lima and DOLLAR HOUSE incurs in inter-plaza commissions, DOLLAR HOUSE will transfer the commissions charged by the financial entities to THE CLIENT.

Euro blue today nation

In the wholesale market, it closed at $43.87, also a historical record. In the course of 2019 it rises 16.2% and exceeds the inflation of the period, around 10% accumulated in the first quarter.

Gustavo Quintana, operator of PR Corredores de Cambio, explained that the “regional currencies skid conflates with local factors to boost the dollarization of portfolios and put pressure on the dollar quotation in the domestic market”.

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“Assuming that all IMF disbursements are unblocked -which we foresee will happen-, the Capital and Financial Account would reach a surplus capable of accumulating reserves”, stated a study by Ecolatina.

Miguel Kiguel, director of Econviews, said on FM Milenium that “in the April-June period we should see an increase in the liquidation of exports of approximately USD 1,500 million per month. That is some 60 or 70 million dollars more per day of supply that will go to the market”.

Dollar today

“Although many people do not know it, economics is also a social science,” says the academic. For him, the study of economics has a great connotation, hand in hand with history and the socio-political context, because this science takes place in the midst of subjectivities, which are not always easy or possible to influence.

The economy – like any other science – has its own laws, and it is not always easy to understand that there are aspects that, if poorly developed, have negative consequences. For example, if the supply of products on the market does not grow and there is a lot of money in circulation, prices will rise and it will not be possible to solve this problem by putting a ceiling on them. If this is done, products move to the informal economy, where speculation is exacerbated, with even higher prices. The real solution is to produce more in order to increase supply, but this requires time and effort, as there are no magic solutions.

If under normal conditions it is difficult to understand the economic measures taken for the material reproduction of society, now it is much more questionable for some, who tend to attack the visible consequences and not the deeper causes of economic problems.

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Blue Dollar

25-01-2022Virtual presentation made by Mr. Sergio Recinos, President of the Monetary Board and of the Bank of GuatemalaVirtual presentation made by Mr. Sergio Recinos, President of the Monetary Board and of the Bank of Guatemala, at the Chamber of Industry of Guatemala.

24-01-2022Virtual presentation by Mr. Sergio Recinos, President of the Monetary Board and of the Bank of GuatemalaVirtual presentation by Mr. Sergio Recinos, President of the Monetary Board and of the Bank of Guatemala, at the Banking Association of Guatemala -ABG-.

Por Aroa Flores

Hola a todos, soy Aroa Flores y en mi blog personal te ofrezco diversas noticias de actualidad.