Our main objective is that you obtain an official certificate that accredits your level of English and, for this we have several types of courses depending on the needs of the student. During the duration of the course there are mock exams so that you can check your English level and evolution at all times.

Cambridge English: First, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE), is an upper-intermediate level qualification. It shows that you can use everyday written and spoken English for work or educational purposes.

I came to Minerva Academy with a problem. I needed to get the B1 in English to get a scholarship and I only had 2 months.besides opening the doors of the academy outside the normal registration period, they helped me, I got the title and learned experience at Minerva Academy has been completely positive and satisfactory.learning is simple and fun. the ratio between Grammar, Writing, Listening, Reading and Speaking is perfect. Without a doubt 100% recommended. Learn English at Minerva Academy!

Aprender Inglés con la App Rosetta Stone – 4 Cosas que

a través de mis años de experiencia, he dominado el manejo de diversas personalidades y los diferentes niveles de los estudiantes mediante la adaptación de las actividades a los estilos de aprendizaje individuales y la enseñanza a través de bloques de construcción para establecer una base sólida. He diseñado lecciones (utilizando Microsoft Office) para hacer el aprendizaje divertido y motivar a los estudiantes a convertirse en aprendices de por vida. Creo que la creación de un aula interactiva y centrada en el alumno maximiza el “tiempo de conversación con el alumno”, donde los estudiantes pueden practicar los conceptos enseñados durante las lecciones. Fomento las discusiones en grupo y la aplicación de los conceptos más allá de la pura memorización.

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Me apasiona compartir el idioma inglés con personas de todas las edades. Tengo un gran interés en seguir una carrera de enseñanza porque encuentro que es muy gratificante a medida que los estudiantes crecen en su uso del idioma inglés. Con experiencia trabajando en la escuela primaria, la universidad y los niveles de adultos, tengo un fondo diverso con mucho que ofrecer. Soy muy organizada, aprendo rápido, tengo una actitud positiva y una gran iniciativa. Me desenvuelvo bien bajo presión, valoro el trabajo en equipo y, lo más importante, me encanta enseñar y desafiarme a mí misma para mejorar siempre. También tengo conocimientos de español C1, y me sentiría cómoda utilizando el español como lengua secundaria de instrucción si se desea.

Free Course and Certificate in Microsoft Office: Word

Our Cambridge Advanced English Exam Course will give you the confidence and practice you need to get the best result in each section of the exam. Of course, you will learn with native English teachers who are experts in the exam.

You will practice with real examples and learn practical tips and techniques to prepare for each of the specific sections of the exam: reading, listening, writing, speaking and grammar.

You will take real exams every two weeks so you can check your progress. This way, you will be able to identify the areas you need to reinforce to get more points in each section: you will understand better what you read and listen to, you will speak and write more accurately and you will expand your vocabulary.

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English level B1

A specialized, modern, comfortable and high quality learning system. In addition to having your teacher live, you can enjoy weekly content and activities on the platform as a complement to the classes.

I loved it from the first day. My daughters are very happy and learn a lot, a great success! They have already achieved their B1 degree and we are continuing for the B2. The teachers are excellent, the secretary and the head of studies are always there when I need them.

Both my children and I are very happy with Albany. I managed to get certified and I love their online English classes. My children are continuing with their online classes and will also achieve their first B1 certificate right now. For me, you are the best, always very attentive to everything, thank you!

It has helped me a lot to take up English again and to be able to have the official title. The online English classes are very good. I started with a yearly course and I joined an intensive one just before taking the Cambridge exam, the perfect combination, I already have the title!

Por Aroa Flores

Hola a todos, soy Aroa Flores y en mi blog personal te ofrezco diversas noticias de actualidad.