Rice with chicken

In a medium or large pot, place the 2 liters of water and the chicken cut in pieces. Let it cook for 15-20 minutes together with the crushed garlic cloves. During the waiting time we proceed to cut our vegetables in squares or slices and wash them. Let them cook for about 15 minutes with a couple of crushed garlic cloves.

After this time we add salt to taste, the broken tomato, our chopped green chili and the sliced onion. We cover and let it boil for 30 minutes more, we must be alert to remove the foam that the chicken will release while it is boiling.


Did you notice that I didn’t mention chicken in the previous paragraph? This is because I have been a vegetarian for most of my life so I have eaten this dish without chicken for as long as I can remember. The chicken is cooked with the rice – to make it tastier with the bird’s juices, I guess – but in my house they always cooked two pots of rice with chicken: one with chicken and one without. Instead they added pieces of soy meat and this preparation, exclusive to me, had nothing to envy to the other one in terms of taste.

Here you will find delicious Peruvian food recipes, drinks, drinks and desserts. Easy to prepare, step by step cooking instructions, excellent photos, all prepared by our team or collaborators. We offer market directories where you can find the ingredients as well as Peruvian restaurants in the USA and the world.

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Family Kitchen Arroz con Pollo by Michelle Ezratty Murphy

The ideal secret is to use lard when frying, for the flavor it adds (although vegetable oil works if you don’t have it). It is also recommended to use any protein, especially chicken and/or fresh shrimp. As for the vegetables: carrot, celery, peas, bean sprouts, scallion and, very important, fresh ginger. The rest of the steps are outlined in this wonderful recipe here.

It looks good, doesn’t it? That’s because it IS. Besides how healthy this dish is, it can be made in 20 minutes. Besides, is there anything better than a pesto sauce made with avocado? We doubt it. The recipe, as if it fell from the sky, is here.

Eggplant lovers and lovers of healthy and flavorful recipes, this recipe is for you. Besides the practicality of its preparation, it is an economical dish with a spectacular presentation. Follow the steps here.

The recipe ensures that this dish is ideal for anyone, even if you don’t have much experience in the kitchen, because it is just white rice mixed with the vegetables in your fridge, some sausages and tomato. Easy and quick? Yes, but also divine. Follow the steps here.

Arroz con Pollo en 20 Minutos – Fácil y Rápido

El Arroz con Pollo al Estilo Colombiano era una de mis recetas favoritas cuando crecía. Mi mamá lo preparaba por lo menos una vez a la semana para el almuerzo. El arroz con pollo es uno de los platos más populares en Colombia y Sudamérica, pero cada país tiene su propia variación. Esta es la receta de Arroz con Pollo de mi mamá. ¡Que lo disfruten!

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Acerca de Erica DinhoMi nombre es Erica y nací y crecí en Colombia y ahora vivo en el noreste de Estados Unidos con mi esposo y mi familia. Este blog fue inspirado por mi abuela, Mamita, que era una increíble cocinera tradicional colombiana.

Por Aroa Flores

Hola a todos, soy Aroa Flores y en mi blog personal te ofrezco diversas noticias de actualidad.